Basic sorting problem

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Wed May 7 07:35:04 EDT 2008

Bonjour David,

First, here, it works for me (Mac OS - last Rev 2.9): sort  
objectNames by the number of words of each
Second if you want to use a function, it should be something like:

on test_WordSort
   put object_GetNames() into objectNames --
   sort objectNames descending by NumOfWords() --
   repeat for each line someLine in objectNames
     put the number of words of someLine & tab & someLine & CR after  
   end repeat
   put someResult
end test_WordSort
function NumOfWords
   return the number of words of each line
end NumOfWords

But it does the same and does not seem useful :-)

Le 7 mai 08 à 12:47, David Bovill a écrit :

> If I am not doing something wrong I think this is a bug - if so it  
> would be
> good to confirm on other platforms as it is pretty basic. I am  
> trying to
> sort lines by the number of words in each line. I can do it with  
> the nuber
> of chars but not the number of words or tokens. Here are the test  
> scripts:
> on test_CharSort
>>     put object_GetNames() into objectNames
>>     -- this is sorting fine!
>>     sort objectNames by the number of chars of each
>>     repeat for each line someLine in objectNames
>>         put the number of chars of someLine & tab & someLine & CR  
>> after
>> someResult
>>     end repeat
>>     put someResult
>> end test_CharSort
>> on test_WordSort
>>     put object_GetNames() into objectNames
>>     -- why is this not sorting?
>>     sort objectNames by the number of words of each
>>     repeat for each line someLine in objectNames
>>         put the number of words of someLine & tab & someLine & CR  
>> after
>> someResult
>>     end repeat
>>     put someResult
>> end test_WordSort
>> on test_TokenSort
>>     put object_GetNames() into objectNames
>>     -- why is this not sorting?
>>     sort objectNames by the number of tokens of each
>>     repeat for each line someLine in objectNames
>>         put the number of tokens of someLine & tab & someLine & CR  
>> after
>> someResult
>>     end repeat
>>     put someResult
>> end test_TokenSort
>> function object_GetNames
>>     repeat with controlNum = 1 to the number of controls
>>         put the long name of control controlNum into longName
>>         put longName & CR after objectNames
>>     end repeat
>>     delete char -1 of objectNames
>>   return objectNames
>> end object_GetNames
> A fix now is to sort using a function - now if only I could  
> remember the
> syntax for that....
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