exported image as jpg not readable on Mac

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Mon May 5 09:34:29 EDT 2008

Hi Tiemo,

> Hello,
> I am assigning PNGs from HD to an image in rev and export them as jpg.
> This does only work on Win. When running the standalone on Mac 10.5
> following happens after exporting:
> The preview in finder shows the jpg ok, when opening with IPhoto, I  
> can see
> also the jpg, but when doubleclicking the jpg I see only the Hexcode  
> of the
> jpg and not the image.
> Is this a lack of Mac know how

Yes :-)

> or a corrupted file export? But why is it
> only not readable when double clicking?

As in Windows, the Mac needs some file association to open the correct  
app when doubleclicking a document,
which is not necessarily the file suffix!

Image written/exported by Rev do not have this automatically.
So (some of) your exported images do not have this association!

You can force it by adding a simple line to your export routines:
set the filetype to ""
## empty string
## Has no meaning on Windows, but the more on the Mac!
## This way ths Mac Finder is forced to use the file suffix as the  
file association.
export image...

> Any ideas?

A LOT! :-)

> Thanks
> Tiemo


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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