Tabbed Panel Question

Klaus Major klaus at
Thu Mar 27 10:46:59 EDT 2008

Hi Len,

> I've been doing some modifications to my app and decided to put  
> three tabs on my configuration stack since one card was getting too  
> cluttered.  I have all of the working (i.e., it selects the right  
> card when you click on the tab) but when I select "Configure" from  
> the menu, while it does go to the correct card (1), it doesn't set  
> the tab to the first tab.  It stays with whatever the last selected  
> tab was.
> How do I set the "current" tab?

you can:
set the menuhistory of btn "Your TAB button here" to 2

That's just like clicking the second TAB by yourself ;-)

> len morgan


Klaus Major
klaus at

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