OOP in Rev...
viktoras didziulis
viktoras at ekoinf.net
Wed Mar 19 08:25:06 EDT 2008
I would like to define a class, an object (the both with their
properties) and methods that are not a part of graphical user interface
or Revolution engine...
Let's say I need an object "City" having properties: minLatitude,
maxLatitude, minLongitude, maxLongitude, area, populationSize,
growthRate, dateFounded, currentDate so it can be handled using specific
handlers and functions (e.g. its methods). Or, well, it would be more
correct to start with creation of a class "City" or "templateCity" and
then use it to create new "city" objects (NewYork, Paris, etc...) that
can be processed by their functions like "populationGrowth(Paris,
start_year, end_year)" and so on...
The three approaches that I can imagine are somehow inter-tangled: (1)
creating an object as a custom property set of a stack or (2) creating
it as an array or (3) creating it as an invisible control with custom
properties. But all these have their drawbacks.
The (1) and (3) approach allows attaching handlers to custom properties
and allows accessing object (e.g. a custom property set) properties
using both an array notation (somehow an equivalent to an array-like
behavior of objects in javascript) and in a way consistent with handling
of properties in Rev e.g. "set the .. of .. to ..." or "get .. the .. of
...". Unfortunately (1) allows only a single object to be active and
thus accessible. The (3) is a dirty one, because object is created using
empty controls with their own additional properties and methods. The (2)
looks promising, one can create a class, write a constructor function
that would create new objects from the class, etc... But it lacks
consistency with the existing OOP style in Rev - e.g. you can not get or
set an element of an array using "get the <element/property> of
<array/object>" or "set the <element/property> of <array/object> to
<value>". Besides you can not use getProp or setProp handlers with
array's elements.
Did anyone try doing something like this kind of OOP in Rev? I would
appreciate if you can share your thoughts, warnings, tricks and
approaches :-). I am not looking for a complex C++ like style of OOP in
Rev. Anything simpler like the OOP model of javascript would be OK. In
general, I think, it would be nice if one could treat and access
Revolution arrays as objects with custom properties, with all the
getProp, setProp and templateObject stuff... Or is it possible somehow?
If not, is this already posted to QC as an enhancement request - I would
vote for it? Otherwise going to post it there myself...
All the best!
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