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Chipp Walters chipp at chipp.com
Sat Mar 15 19:51:47 EDT 2008

On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 5:39 PM, Joe Lewis Wilkins <pepetoo at cox.net> wrote:

>  NOT TRUE? The average thickness of the AIR is less than 1/2". Is there
>  a thinner one?

There's that wordsmithing again. Average thickness?

Check out the Vaio X505 which is thinner than Air at a maximum
thickness of 0.8".
I suppose one could glue on super thin wings on each side of the Vaio
to get it's 'average thickness' down a bit.

Funny, when I go to buy a pair of pants, I don't 'average' all of the
dimensions around my body to arrive at a waist size (which frankly, is
too large!).

But, hat's off to Apple for the hyperbole.

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