newbie level question

Colin Holgate coiin at
Wed Mar 12 14:45:01 EDT 2008

At 10:54 AM -0800 3/12/08, Jim Ault wrote:
>The 'it' container is a special one for Rev, so you need to learn how it
>works, usually by testing to make sure what happens is what you want.

Of course, after 20.5 years of programming in Talk like languages I 
do know that "it" is special, I only used that as a simple example 
case. I had already tried other variable names, and even typing a 
global whatever line before trying to use the variable. For some 
reason that didn't help either, though when I try it now it does work.

In any case, for most uses the multi-line message box is better for 
testing short routines, and I don't mind if the variable is short 
lived rather than being a persistent global.

I helped a little on the CD-ROM version of If Monks Had Macs. 
Hopefully I used global variables, just to make Brian worry!

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