Fixed Width Fonts #2

Mark Swindell mdswindell at
Tue Mar 11 16:21:56 EDT 2008

I'm not sure why it showed up two months later, either.  I think we  
figured out how to achieve a desired result back then.  There was some  
helpful discussion at the time.


On Mar 11, 2008, at 10:33 AM, Len Morgan wrote:

> I'm not sure why this message just showed up in my mailbox (it's  
> almost 2 months old!) but is it possible that the field actually has  
> to be rendered in order to measure the formatedWidth?   I'm not sure  
> how you'd know except maybe to set the fields and then have a  
> handler on the second field that would be triggered AFTER it has  
> been written to.
> Just a guess
> len morgan
> Mark Swindell wrote:
>> On Jan 27, 2008, at 3:54 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:
>>> Recently, Mark Swindell wrote:
>>>> Is there for Rev to determine which system fonts are of fixed  
>>>> width?
>>>> If not directly, then indirectly?  Comparing widths of "i" and  
>>>> "w" on
>>>> a font by font basis?  How might this work?
>>> Tried your idea using the following:  Created two 18pt text  
>>> fields, put "W"
>>> into fld 1, "I" into field 2, ran the following function:
>>>  return (formattedWidth of fld 1 = formattedWidth of fld 2)
>>> Results were false with Rev's default font, true with Monaco and  
>>> Apple Mono
>>> (OS X).
>>> Seems like a valid direction.
>>> Regards,
>>> Scott Rossi
>>> Creative Director
>>> Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
>> Scott,
>> Thanks for your help.  Curious thing, though.  I created a script  
>> ( below) which works fine when I run it line by line in the  
>> debugger, and _sometimes_ when I run it from a button, and then the  
>> next time(s), from the same button, it just chugs along and and  
>> returns nothing.  Any ideas?
>> on mouseUp
>>    global gFixedWidthFonts
>>    put empty into field "fixedWidth" of cd 1 of stack "FixedWidth"
>>    put "iiiii" into field "skinnyLetter" of cd 1 of stack  
>> "FixedWidth"
>>    put "wwwww" into field "fatLetter" of cd 1 stack "FixedWidth"
>>    put the fontnames into vAvailableFonts
>>    sort lines of vAvailableFonts
>>    repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines of  
>> vAvailableFonts           set the textfont of field "skinnyLetter"  
>> to line x of vAvailableFonts
>>        set the textfont of field "fatLetter" to line x of  
>> vAvailableFonts
>>        wait .05 seconds -- needs time to evaluate, maybe? dunno
>>        put the formattedwidth of fld "skinnyLetter" into vSkinny
>>        put the formattedwidth of fld "fatLetter" into vFat
>>        if  vSkinny = vFat then
>>            put line x of vAvailableFonts &return after field  
>> "FixedWidth" of cd 1 of stack "FixedWidth"
>>        end if
>>    end repeat
>>   put field "FixedWidth" into gFixedWidthFonts
>> end mouseUp
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