while I await my password...

Colin Holgate coiin at rcn.com
Tue Mar 11 14:08:47 EDT 2008

While I wait for my bug reporting password (are those created 
manually?), I'll list some of the things that seem odd to me, to give 
you a sense of what I mean, and for you to say if it's normal 

Place some little arrows, and resize them (you probably don't have a 
good reason to do that, but do it anyway). As you resize them they 
will change between arrows, a horizontal scroller, and a vertical 
scroller, depending on the width and height you make it. For example, 
something roughly square will be the arrows, something a bit narrower 
will be a vertical scroller. The inspector continues to report that 
it's little arrows, unless you deselect and reselect them, then it 
changes to the type it looks like. The final application shows the 
type it ended up like on Mac, but shows resized little arrows on 

If you make a scroller by starting with little arrows and glitching 
it as above to become a scroller, or if you intentionally select it 
to be a scroller in the inspector, the final scroller does not scale 
correctly when you drag the thumb. If the mouse is over the thumb at 
the top of the channel, by the time you've dragged to the bottom of 
the channel the thumb is nowhere near the mouse position.

With little arrows (just drag them out to make them, and don't mess 
with the size), the bottom arrow is deemed to be under the mouse 
right up to over half way up the upper arrow. The upper arrow is only 
active in the top half of the arrow.

Drag out a QuickTime object and connect it to a movie. Resize the 
object, do a save of the stack, close it, and open it again. The 
object is also back at the natural size of the QuickTime movie, and 
not at the size you made it.

Default buttons don't behave like OS X default buttons. They 
constantly pulse. What is supposed to happen is that when you click 
on them they stop pulsing in the brighter state, and if you roll off 
them they become empty, like a non-default button. In  Rev they just 
continue to pulse.

So, are some of these things that shouldn't be the way they are?

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