Problem closing non-responsive USB-serial ports

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Mon Mar 10 22:19:35 EDT 2008

>  Is it OK in your case to ask the OS to intervene?

Yes, I'd have no problem with that.

> If so, would something
>  like this work?
>  on mouseUp
>   unmountVolume (the selectedText of fld 1)
>   put the result
>  end mouseUp
>  on unmountVolume pVolumeName
>   put shell("diskutil list") into tList
>   filter tList with ("* " & pVolumeName & " *")
>   put last word of tList into tDisk
>   put shell("diskutil unmount" && tDisk) into tResult
>   return tResult
>  end unmountVolume

The USB device is not a volume, so does not appear in the diskutil's listing.

At the moment I have installed a workaround where it just reboots the
computer if the USB-serial commas stop. Trying to reset the link hangs
my app, so hopefully rebooting immediately will work, although it is
not a great system. Now of course, the problem hasn't happened for a
few hours, so I'm still waiting to see of it will succeed.


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