Geometry Manager Reset

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat Mar 8 14:08:44 EST 2008

Bill Vlahos wrote:

> Is there a way to remove GM from multiple objects at once? If I select 
> more than 1 item in the IDE the Geometry property is no longer available.

The settings are stored in a custom property set called cREVgeometry. 
Deleting this set removes the geometry for the object. The fastest way 
to delete this from every object in the stack is to use Altuit's free 
plugin "RevAltCleanStack" and make sure the "clear cREVgeometry" 
checkbox is ticked before you run it. It's a nice little utility, I only 
recently needed to use it and was impressed. It removes a lot of 
superfluous stuff from your stack. (I can't seem to locate it right now 
on Chipp's site, maybe he can provide a link.)

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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