QT: Application and Microsoft Terminal Server error

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at cogapp.com
Fri Mar 7 13:44:25 EST 2008

On 7/3/08 18:11, William de Smet wrote:
> I am about to launch my first public application made with RR.
> At the school where I work we will start using terminal server with
> terminal server clients.
> We now have 3 machines to test the environment.
> So I tested my application (put it on our server 2003) and lauched it
> through a ts client.
> The screen remained black and I could barely see the images.
> I know terminal server is a different way of working but why did I get
> a black screen?

This is a known bug, which has finally - hurrah! - been fixed in 2.9:


Using the 2.8.1 engine, I think you can only avoid this problem by raising the 
colours to thousands or millions in the TS client.  However, I'd recommend 
instead that you get hold of the 2.9 beta, and try building your app in that 
instead; it should fix this problem, and it is a much better engine anyway; 
but of course you will need to test it properly, as it is a beta and there are 
some new bugs in there.  But if you find them now while it's still in beta, 
you can contribute to getthing them fixed!


- Ben

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