Newbie issue - fld vs bg field vs cd field

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Tue Mar 4 16:49:22 EST 2008

>  I'm don't quite understand when (or if) it is necessary to specify cd
>  fld "whatever"  vs bg fld "whatever"  vs  fld "whatever" in Rev. When
>  confusion arises, I'm solving it by trial and error. Some of my
>  stacks and scripts, retreaded from hypercard, require the correct
>  field or button specification, or there is "no such object."

Nice thing about Rev - you don't have to specify where an object is,
unless there is more than one of that type of object with the same

If you have imported a HyperCard stack, then HCaddressing is turned on
and that does use the card/background nomenclature, but for a new
stack, it doesn't matter - just call them all by unique names and you
don't have to worry.


P.S. I don't frequent the forums so I can't answer for them, but there
is certainly no problem about asking any questions on this list.

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