Who is the customer? (RE: rev apps on iPhone?)

viktoras didziulis viktoras at ekoinf.net
Sun Jun 29 14:06:22 EDT 2008

adding to the "wish list" a few of us would very much like:
 1) faster image object where image text is not png, rle but 
uncompressed as in imageData (I already voted for faster image object 
enhancement in QC last year);
 2) openGL 3D or some sort of integration or an ability to talk to some 
3-rd party crossplatform 3D engine like UNITY or Blender. B.t.w. UNITY 
announced iPhone support this year, so if RR also targets this platform...

Both options are very attractive to all sorts of visualizers like 
architects, engineers, CAD and GIS people, scientists or game developers 
because at the moment they mostly make a potential but not yet (fully) 
realized ecological niche of RR's customers. Now you can do some sort of 
limited 3D or 2D graphics manipulation via RR matrix manipulation 
functions or Animation engine. But this is too slowww.

1cnt from Viktoras

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