Show Hide deletes group?

Thomas McGrath III 3mcgrath at
Sat Jun 28 10:40:43 EDT 2008

Has anyone experienced this in RR version 2.9.0 :

I was using the show and hide for a group and a strange thing keeps  
happening. The group keeps getting deleted when I use Hide. So I  
changed the script to "set the visible of" and the group still keeps  
getting deleted.
This script is in the card and I have a few buttons with separate  
labels. One button is called "wildcard" and the separate label is  

If I am over the btn "wildcard" and it's label (which changes) is now  
"Apps" then I want to show a group while the mouse is over that btn.  
Then when I leave I want the grp to hide.

One problem is that when I click the btn a mouse leave is not sent So  
I am trying to fit the showing and hiding in the enter button.

on mouseEnter
	put the short name of the target into tTheCheck
	 if tTheCheck is "wildcard" then
                 if the label of btn (the short name of the target &  
"L") is "Apps" then
                     show grp "New Items"
                     hide grp "New Items"
                 end if
             end if
end mouseEnter

-------- or ---------------
on mouseEnter
	put the short name of the target into tTheCheck
	 if tTheCheck is "wildcard" then
                 if the label of btn (the short name of the target &  
"L") is "Apps" then
                     set the visible of grp "New Items" to true
                     set the visible of grp "New Items" to false
                 end if
             end if
end mouseEnter

Any help is appreciated.

Tom McGrath

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