Parallels mystery

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Thu Jun 26 19:42:28 EDT 2008

Sarah Reichelt wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 9:21 AM, Richard Gaskin
>> Here's the mystery:
>> If I mount the volume to a labeled drive (e.g., "Z:"), then it works well
>> like this:
>>  play videoclip "Z:/Folder/" at 300,300
>> But if I use one of Parallels shared folders, the path is different and it
>> doesn't play:
>>  play videoclip "//.PSF/Folder/" at 300,300
>> The result says "could not open movie file".
>> I'm not sure what the trouble is, since everything else in the program
>> works, and there's a lot of stuff happening with paths to multiple stack
>> files, libraries, etc.
>> Why does QT choke on .PSF?  Is there a workaround I can do in script, or
>> must we avoid drives networked in that fashion?
> Is the problem with Rev or QT? Can you play the movie in QT Player and
> can you open a text file form the .PSF folder?

I think this issue is specific to QT; Rev seems to be handling 
everything well, reading and writing text files and stacks with no 
problem.  It's only when we try to play videoclips that QT chokes.

> This is a just a wild guess, but what happens if you convert the file
> name using shortFilePath() or longFilePath()?
> This might just re-arrange it in some way so that Rev/QT can work it out.

The file names are pretty short.  shortFilePath returns the same path I 
have, and longFilePath return empty.

This seems to be a problem with QT not playing well with Parallels 
shared folders.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Ambassador at

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