Where is the web site?

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at hrz.uni-kassel.de
Sun Jun 22 15:42:29 EDT 2008

On Sun Jun 22, 2008, James Hurley jhurley0305 at sbcglobal.net wrote:

> For reasons I won't go into, I need a function like: ClickWord which  
> will return something  like:
> Word 2 of line 3 of field 4
> It would be something like "ClickLine" only it returns the word  
> number as well. ClickChunk is close but no cigar.
> Seems like this would be a natural for  RunRev, but I have forgotten  
> how to make the enhancement request.
> Anybody? Where is the RunRev web site?
> Jim Hurley
> P.S.
> My kludge of this looks like:
> function theClickWord
>    -- this function returns: word tWordNo of line tLineNo  of field  
> tFieldNo
>    put the clickLine into tClickLine
>    put word 2 of tClickline into tLineNo
>    put last word of tClickLine into tFieldNo
>    put the value of tClickLine into tLineText
>    put the clickText into tWord
>    put wordoffset(tWord,tLineText) into tWordNo
>    --Just to see how it might look if implemented in RunRev
>    put "word " & tWordNo & " of line " & tLineNo & " of field "&  
> tFieldNo into msg box
>    return tWordNo, tLineNo, tFieldNo
> end theClickWord

The website for reporting bugs and enhancements is

<http://www.runrev.com/support/quality-control-center/> or

I second you enhancement request.

Your "kludge"-solution is surely one of the best you can come up with in 
Revolution. The only problem you could encounter is the case when the 
text of the line contains more than one instance of the word, because 
wordoffset always finds the *first* instance of the word and not 
necessarily the word you clicked at.

In a related context - getting the wordnumber of a clicked-at word in a 
field and at the same time hilite the clicked word - I have found the 
following solution:

Script of the text field:

on mouseUp
  Global gchunk, gtext
  put the mousechunk into gchunk
  put the mousetext into gtext
  send "mouseup" to btn "wordoffset"
end mouseUp

Script of btn "wordoffset":

on mouseUp
  Global gchunk, gtext
  put fld 1 into tField
  put tfield into tfield2
  put word 2 of gchunk into tBegin
  put "#" before char tBegin of Tfield2
  put "#" before gtext
  put wordoffset(gtext,tfield2) into tword
  put "word" &&tword&&"in field 1" into fld "wordnumber"
  set the traversalon of fld 1 to true
  select word tword of fld 1
 end mouseUp

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