Good Food For Mac community action

Kee Nethery kee at
Sat Jun 21 15:05:07 EDT 2008

On Jun 18, 2008, at 10:02 AM, Colin Holgate wrote:

> At 6:28 PM +0200 6/18/08, Mark Schonewille wrote:
>> I can't find a list of programmes that are on the menu anywhere on  
>> that site
> You should see an ingredients list in the left half of the page.

WOW, what a bad web page design.

In my default window size the "Ingredients" list is just the upper tab  
and it looks like an unresponsive navigation tab. I clicked on it and  
nothing happened. I clicked on everything with wording and was unable  
to see a list of products. Only because of this email did I wonder why  
I could not get that Ingredients tab to go anywhere and realized that  
the window has the all important product list below the page fold.  
When I scrolled the entire page downward below the fold I was able to  
see the list.

Important stuff should always be above the page fold. I think the list  
of products being sold qualifies as "important stuff".

Just my two cents.

Kee Nethery

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