[ANN] animationEngine 2.9 available

Chipp Walters chipp at chipp.com
Sat Jun 21 03:50:46 EDT 2008

Congratulations Malte,

I just wanted to add my two cents to this wonderful library.

A while back, I purchased Malte Brill's Animation Engine library from
RevSelect.I spent a few hours and created a very interesting little 3D
wireframe viewer stack. I only needed 2 functions from Malte's library to do
this-- it's pretty simple.

Here are some of the features:

- You can view a number of different embedded 3D datasets.
- Full Rotate, Pan and Zoom features
- Bounding box overide setting for faster realtime updates
- Render with anti-alias on or off
- Import of Wavefront OBJ files
- Unprotected scripts for viewing and playing around with.

I believe it should work with the current version of Malte's library.

It's not very fancy as I tried to keep it clean and easy to edit.

Just enter into the message box:
go stack URL "http://www.gadgetplugins.com/chippstuff/3Dviewer.rev"



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