Hello... Its good to be back. Is this the place to be or is the forum now it?

Bob Hartley rev at armbase.com
Tue Jun 17 05:59:25 EDT 2008

Hi Everyone.

Well It "has" been a long time since I've been here or indeed writing 

I was working away from home for a while and then starting a new job. 
After that I was buying a new house. Yes people do still buy and sell 
them, no matter what the press say. :-)

Anyway.....  I was also out the loop because I moved to Linux  instead 
of  upgrading to vista (if you could call xp-vista and upgrade) and  
also my  work apps are Linux apps. In addition I  binned my  travelling 
laptop  in November in faviour of an EEEpc so I had no Rev on the go. :-)

Yesterday I was prompted  by my early update end to renew my annual 
subscription and crossgrade from my unused windows Rev Studio to Linux. 
And for that reason I'm back on the group.

It is good to see so many of the "regulars" still  here:--

Sarah etc etc

Especially Klaus. PM me KM with how you are doing. :-)

All the Best
Bob; Sunny Scotland (I couldn't resist)

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