Mac OS Terminal Commands ?

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION2 at
Sun Jun 15 16:49:35 EDT 2008

read the docs again for

>Specifies the name and location of the command used for the shell function.
>set the shellCommand to "/bin/sh/ksh"

it's the kind of shell, not the location of

also since shell is a function, use 'put' or 'get' with it

longer or complex shell commands should be put into a field first, or 
properly formatted for quotes, etc.

on mouseUp
         put shell ("KillAll Finder")
end mouseUp

>Stephen Barncard wrote:
>"check out shell() and shellcommand in the docs"
>which I did, Thanks, but obviously I'm having a "thick patch" and 
>don't quite understand why the following didn't work:
>on mouseUp
>   set the shellCommand to "/Applications/Utilities/"
>  shell ("KillAll Finder")
>end mouseUp
>sincerely, Richmond Mathewson


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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