SPAM-MED: Re: Time to upgrade my technique...

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at
Wed Jun 11 10:12:58 EDT 2008

François Chaplais wrote:

"I see fields as the poor man's debugger: it let you
see what  
happens inside the script."

Better a poor man's debugger than a rich man's bu**er!

Sorry, chaps, couldn't resist that one.

Oddly enough a slightly confused 15 year old came to
see me today, ostensibly about English but really
about programming; worried that a friend of his was
"strutting his funky stuff" with some 'orrible
command-line language. Showed him how to knock
something together that worked in RR; his self-esteem
went through the roof as I demythologised programming
in 3 easy steps all thanks to Runtime Revolution!

If only schools could pull their fingers out of 1975
and start using some sort of Object-based RAD such as
RR we would not all go around with humps on our backs
about being inferior because we cannot program.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.


A Thorn in the flesh is better than a failed Systems Development Life Cycle.

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