Splash Movie

Jack Rarick jrarick at hpsk12.net
Wed Jun 4 11:15:23 EDT 2008

Hi there.  From the player properties, did you lock the size and position? 

Jack Rarick
Braintree Athletic Systems

>>> andres at bakno.com 6/4/2008 10:59 AM >>>

We are trying to show an small movie right when the application is  
starting up.

However, when running the OSX build, the movie is not located at the  
center of the card but at the top left corner. And what is worst, is  
that the movie is cropped, showing only one quarter of the area (the  
one that is visible over the card).

Have any of you find this problem? Is there any workaround?

Note: According to a forum post, this problem does not happen on the  
Windows build.

Andres Martinez

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