How to create a table field by a script?

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Mon Jul 28 08:22:36 EDT 2008

Bonjour Reinhold,

Le 28 juil. 08 à 13:19, Reinhold Venzl-Schubert a écrit :

> How can I create a table field by a script.

You can't set the style of a field to 'table': it would be easy :-)
But there is some specific properties to set that allow a field to be  
a table field:

on mouseUp
   CreateTableField --
end mouseUp
on CreateTableField
   set the cREVGeneral["table"] of the templatefield to true
   set the vGrid of the templatefield to true
   set the hGrid of the templatefield to true
   set the cREVTable["celledit"] of the templatefield to true
   set the cREVTable["cellformat"] of the templatefield to true
   set the tabStops of the templatefield to 75 -- or whatever
   set the width of the templatefield to 300 -- or whatever
   set the height of the templatefield to 200 -- or whatever
   set the loc of the templateField to the loc of this cd -- or whatever
   set the vScrollBar of the templatefield to true -- if needed
   set the hScrollBar of the templatefield to true -- if needed
   create field
   reset the templateField
end CreateTableField

Of course other properties of the templatefield can be set before  
creating the field: font, style, etc.

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.
Plugins and tutorials for Revolution:
Email: eric.chatonet at

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