Could it be this simple?

Bill Vlahos bvlahos at
Tue Jul 22 23:02:20 EDT 2008

I am ready to distribute my application but I need an installer for  
Windows and I am programming this on a Mac. My installation process is  
very simple. All I need to do is unzip the folder to the desired  
location. No registry settings or any other installation processes.

Stuffit Deluxe for the Mac can create a self extracting archive for  
Windows as a .exe file which unstuffs to the folder and I'm done.

I got to thinking that I can probably do the same thing myself in Rev.
	1. GZip the folder on the Mac
	2. Make a Rev Windows standalone that contains the zipped file in a  
Custom Property that will Unzip/Install the folder when opened.

Distribute the standalone "Installer".

Could it be this simple? Other than not being "Signed by  
Microsoft" (unless I go through the certification/payment process), is  
there anything wrong with what I'm suggesting?

Or should I pay for StuffIt Deluxe to do this?

Bill Vlahos

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