runrev adds http header for free?

Bert Shuler bertshuler at
Fri Jul 18 09:59:00 EDT 2008

I wanted to write a quick http server, mostly just to learn rev.

It was very easy, and I am happy so far, but I have a mystery I hope  
someone can help me with.
My code is here:

It seems that when I write the data back out to to the socket, runrev  
adds a http header on its own, and I cant add the one I want.
Really weird.

When I have it execute this perl script, you can see the problem:


print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<tt>\n";
foreach $key (sort keys(%ENV)) {
    print "$key = $ENV{$key}<p>";

Also, I am open to advice on my coding, but please if it is bashing  
me, send that directly to me at BertShuler at


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