How to keep dir structure when building standalone?

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION2 at
Thu Jul 3 15:17:59 EDT 2008

Don't forget that (at least on Mac OSX and using the splash screen 
method) one can edit stacks that exist in the standalone, and one 
doesn't have to compile the splash stack every time, or even quite 
the IDE for that matter.  I have  multistack projects and I only 
recompile with new engine changes.

>I realize that it can be automated. I just don't find it that 
>helpful to do so. Moving it by hand takes 2 seconds and I know it's 
>done right.
>My $.02.
>Devin Asay


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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