revbrowser - Account login done in background

Andre Garzia andre at
Tue Jul 1 14:49:41 EDT 2008


If I remember correctly, that init call was not related to any web
page login, it was there to verify that you had a valid altBrowser
license. These days, you simply call RevBrowserOpen, you don't need to
have a license anymore.

If you want to be able to login automatically to a web site, first you
need to learn how it's autentication scheme is done, if it is a http
basic authentication or it is some javascript + cookies thing. It
might be the case where you need some clever javascript injection and
if it needs so, then, it might not be worth pursuit.

If it is cookie based, you can use a simple URL call to capture the
cookie and script the RevBrowser using it's htmltext property, this
includes overwritting all links inside so you can trap them with
RevBrowserBeforeNavigate so that you can use custom URL calls with
your captured cookie, this can also be done with javascript injection
where you add javascript to the html source to set the cookies on the
browser and thus be able to navigate normally. Any way, I've did this
sort of stuff as an experiment, I would not trust these techniques
into something you intend to deploy. A single change in the web page
on the server side and everything breaks.

PS: If by login, you simply want to display a web page, you can use
the URL property of RevBrowser to open such page.


On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 6:21 PM, Glen Bojsza <gbojsza at> wrote:
> Hello,
> There used to be XBrowser_Init "myUsername", "myPassword" that support
> altBrowser but it is no longer supported with revBrowser.
> I would like to automatically be able to login to a known web site with the
> push of a button. Is there a way to do this using revBrowser?
> thanks,
> Glen
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