protecting images in rev-cgi generated html

Nicolas Cueto niconiko at
Tue Jan 29 07:23:44 EST 2008

> What is it that you are trying to stop people doing? 

Stop them from downloading any one of the individual
images that together make up a bingo-card. That's
the royalty condition of the images according to the 
clip-art company that sold them. Of course, people 
could still capture the screen, but that wouldn't be 
breaking the royalty condition.

Really, what I wish I could do is to use something like
the "print card" function of rev -- which is what the 
standalone of my bingocard-maker already relies on --
so that a rev cgi script could, instead of delivering
individual server-side images, combine those images
into one large card-like image.

Nicolas Cueto

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