Look and Learn . . .

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 20 13:41:46 EST 2008

Luis pointed at:


which is very interesting, although, as Luis expects,
it isn't what I described in my Master's thesis or
earlier parts of this series of postings.

It is interesting insofar as it is intended to be

1. As Viktoras Didziuli mentioned, the "machinery'
(meaning the"decision support system with zillions of
templates") would probably have to be accessed over
the web (or some sort of VPN ???).

2. However, I think it would be preferable if the
end-products could be used on machines that were not
necessarily connected to the internet. My sad
experience is that if one uses computers that are
connected to the internet there can be a tendency for
students to "wander off" and look at their email, the
news, pictures of naked people, and so on. One of the
greatest problems seems to keep (especially, young)
people focussed.

Maybe the people over at TileStack   [  
http://www.tilestack.com/  ] are aiming at something
rather like this.



well, I'm going to have fun taking this apart as it is
obvious that an awful lot of work and thought has gone
into it;

give-away; in my attic in Scotland I have the original
Voyager (think HyperCard) version.

Maybe that means I might actually stand a chance at
understanding how things work :)

--- Hmm, seems I'm having a problem downloading
MOZART'S DISSONANT QUARTET; something about "can't
connect to host" which is funny as I am managing to
download a developer build---

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson


A Thorn in the flesh is better than a failed Systems Development Life Cycle.

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