Look and Learn . . .

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 20 10:04:16 EST 2008

Viktoras Didziulis wrote:

"An integrated 
decision support system with zillions of templates and
wizards in its 
knowledge base (remote server or gigabytes stored
locally) to assist in 
filling in those templates. Lots of work and should be
based on massive 
feedback from these same professors, and teachers, but
do they know what 
they want and will they have time for the feedback

It does look daunting, BUT:

It is doable, and could sit on a remote server with a
front-end on the local PC with some sort of rental

It would also have to open-ended so that it could grow
as per requirements and feedback.

Whether the sheer effort, time and money required is
justified is quite another question.

I believe there is a vast, untapped market that would
jump at this sort of thing.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson


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