Many Cards Versus One Card and a List Field

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue Jan 15 21:32:16 EST 2008

Richard Gaskin wrote:
> J. Downs wrote:
>>> What made it possible to use HC that way was its "hint bits", a  
>>> system for indexing field contents which is not only proprietary  but 
>>> patented as well.  Hint bits made it ultra-fast for obtaining  data 
>>> across the otherwise-complex structures that make up cards and  fields.
>> Certainly any such patent has expired by now.  Patents are  
>> enforceable a maximum of 20 years past the filing date.
> Cool.  Let us know what Apples says when you write to ask them for the 
> code. ;)

I think it also falls into the category of "company secrets". In every 
NDA I've signed, this has legal significance.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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