How to change cursor with ctrl and shift?

Björnke von Gierke bvg at
Mon Jan 14 09:57:52 EST 2008

Mouse within is highly processing intensive. As you are just trying to  
change the behaviour when the user clicks, why can't you use this  

on mouseUp --or mouseDown, depending what you do
   if the altKey is down then
     ---do alt stuff
   else if the controlKey is down
     --do ctrl stuff
     --do normal stuff
   end if
end mouseUp

On 14 Jan 2008, at 12:07, Sakari Ruoho wrote:

> Hello folks,
> Was wondering how to change the mouse cursor behavior, when user  
> presses either ctrl or shift key? Like in photoshop with select tool  
> where u can add to selection by pressing shift and remove from  
> selection by pressing ctrl? If anyone has implemented anything like  
> this, any help would be appreaciated. Thank you!


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