Self-repairing install solution
Josh Mellicker
josh at
Thu Jan 10 19:13:13 EST 2008
For anyone who might need this in the future and hasn't written it,
hopefully I can save you some time!
PROBLEM: What if your application depends on a bunch of auxilary
files scattered around the user's hard drive- maybe these are
pictures, movies, text files, settings, spreadsheets, who knows? You
know you can make an installer that initially, will put all these
files in all the right places. But what if the user accidentally
deletes or moves some of them?
Instead of an installer, here is a function you can run when starting
up that will install these files initially, then replace any missing
asset files, "repairing" an installation if necessary on each launch.
Use this function (during development) to find all the important
files and import them into custom properties:
ON importAssetsIntoCustomProps
set the custompropertyset of me to "myAssetFiles"
answer file "choose file to import (cancel when done)"
IF it is empty THEN exit to top
set the myAssetFiles[it] of me to URL ("binfile:" & it)
END repeat
END importAssetsIntoCustomProps
(You can do this repeatedly, as much as you want, it will update the
binary data if you import the same filename that has been updated)
To call the function, use something like:
on openStack
end openStack
-- include these handlers:
ON jjEnsureAssets
set the custompropertyset of me to "myAssetFiles"
put the customproperties of me into tAssets
REPEAT FOR each line pFile in the keys of tAssets
IF there is no file pFile THEN
makeFoldersIfNecessary pathFromPathAndFile(pFile)
put the myAssetFiles[pFile] of me into URL ("binfile:" &
END repeat
END jjEnsureAssets
ON makeFoldersIfNecessary pLocalFilePath
set the itemdel to "/"
put "/" into tPath
REPEAT WITH x = 2 to the number of items of pLocalFilePath --
("2" because "/" will surely exist! :-)
put item x of pLocalFilePath & "/" after tPath
IF there is not a folder tPath THEN
create folder tPath
END makeFoldersIfNecessary
FUNCTION pathFromPathAndFile tPathAndFile
set the itemdel to "/"
delete the last item of tPathAndFile
return tPathAndFile
END pathFromPathAndFile
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