Finding duplicates in a list

Bill Marriott wjm at
Wed Jan 9 07:38:14 EST 2008

Well if *that's* what you want :) Here's the "ideal" format, where "index1" 
is the original index and the subsequent numbers are duplicates.

It's even slightly faster:

on mouseUp
  put url "file:D:/desktop/dupeslist.txt" into tList
  put the milliseconds into tt

  repeat for each line tCheck in tList
    add 1 to n
    put n & comma after tCheckArray[tCheck]
  end repeat

  repeat for each key theKey in tCheckArray
    if the number of items in tCheckArray[theKey] > 1 then
      put theKey & tab & tCheckArray[theKey] after tListResult
      put return into char -1 of tListResult
    end if
  end repeat
  put the milliseconds - tt & return & "number of files:" && \\
  the number of lines in tList & return & return & tListResult
end mouseUp

"Ian Wood" <revlist at> wrote 
in message news:ED3C057D-7C3A-4541-89BD-C73F42E619E5 at
> The absolute *ideal* would be:
> checksum tab index1,index2,index3 etc.
> However, once I have a list of dupes I have to plug it back into the  DB 
> to get more info anyway, so the list of checksums by itself also  works.

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