Sheep Shaver
Joe Lewis Wilkins
pepetoo at
Wed Jan 2 07:32:27 EST 2008
Hi Judy,
My main problem is one of space. Actually, I have all the bases
covered; I just don't have the space to have them all running at the
same time. Unfortunately, my SE30 with OS8.0 pooped out on me a few
months back when I tried to start it up to check out some really old
files. Probably the battery went dead, since I didn't keep it
connected. My other problem is I'm just getting to dang old and my
eyesight isn't what I need it to be. I have so many back-ups and am
so disorganized that it would take me a life-time to get things in
proper order. One of the reasons I'm so reluctant to install Leopard
is that if I do, I won't have Tiger anywhere, since my mini-Mac has
an OSX that runs in Classic mode and the PPCs are too damn slow for
me to run any OSX on them. At my age, time has gotten to be a crucial
factor. (smile) Since I popped for the MacPro, I really would like it
to do all things for me, even the PC stuff if possible. Everything
has "suddenly" gotten so complicated that I can feel my brain cells
protesting. Add to all that the fact that the State of California has
just man-dated that everyone use a brand new version of the
California Building Code. Lots of new and different stuff that makes
me wonder if I should just close shop; but it is such a challenge!
I'm trying to gather my wits about me to start a new series of Rev
articles on, but this list reveals such amazing
exploits that I hardly know where to begin. What got me thinking
about all of this is that from some of the previous rhetoric on the
list, I was kind of thinking about taking on the "challenge/chore" of
producing Rev versions of the early Mac HC samples/templates;
something that was going to require that I conveniently access a
bunch of my old HC stacks, and do it on my newest, fastest Mac with
the largest screen.
I guess nothing is as easy as we would like it to be. Thanks for
letting me bend your ear(s) with stuff that shouldn't interest any of
you, since this whole thread - which I started - is pretty much OT.
Joe Wilkins
On Jan 1, 2008, at 11:01 PM, Judy Perry wrote:
> Joe,
> I don't know your needs, but from what I've seen, a PPC-based OS 9 Mac
> comes cheaply these days off ebay... I've got a 1 or 2-gen bondi-blue
> egg-shaped iMac that I bought that way for my kids (their other
> machine -- they are twins, after all, twice as expensive as singletons
> -- is our old Cube).
> Come to think of it, I think I have an old pizza-box 601 machine in my
> office that I might be visiting tomorrow.
> I wonder if I can resurrect it as a Moodle server (truly atrocious
> semester that has ended with me essentially guessing grades as various
> IT boo-boos, server crashes, resets etc. has eaten essential grade
> data as late as a week ago)...
> I'll be happy as long as I have a machine that can boot OS 9... That
> Flying Colours software I mentioned in the other thread is a good
> example of neat stuff I can't run in OS X (and, honestly, wouldn't
> want to go through the hassle of getting a virtual XP/Vista(ugh!)
> machine to do the same thing).
> Good luck.
> Judy
> On Jan 1, 2008 10:43 PM, Joe Lewis Wilkins <pepetoo at> wrote:
>> Judy, Ken,
>> The only thing I find a bit dismaying about this whole thing is that,
>> from Ken's guide, it appears that the latest MacOS that can be used
>> is 9.04 and not 9.2, though I'll probably try the latter anyway.
>> Somewhat belated Happy New Year to all!
>> Joe Wilkins
>> On Jan 1, 2008, at 10:33 PM, Judy Perry wrote:
>>> Joe,
>>> One website claims that it IS supported on OS X (as Ken Ray states):
>>> "The following platforms are currently supported: Linux (i386, ppc,
>>> x86_64), MacOS X (i386, ppc), Darwin, NetBSD 2.0, FreeBSD 5.3 and
>>> Windows for x86."
>>> --
>>> And, indeed, near the end of that page is a Mac OS X UB d/l.
>>> I've not tried anything myself, just providing you with a few spare
>>> secs of Googling.
>>> Happy New Year!
>>> Judy
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