Extracting text from PDF

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Thu Feb 28 22:08:07 EST 2008

-= JB =- wrote:
> On Feb 28, 2008, at 5:49 PM, Kay C Lan wrote:
>> In which 'Services' folder is PDF2RTFService installed? - The one in your
>> user account 'Library' folder or is it in the  'System/Library' folder?
>> What other Services do you have installed - (both in your personal and
>> System Library)?
>> I just find it incredibly handy so I'd hate you to miss out:-)
> That is an excellent question.  I installed it in my user account 
> library not
> the System library.  I have been using OS X for around a year but these
> little things still can mess me up.
> I installed it in the System Library and guess what?  It still does not 
> work.
> Maybe I am still doing something really stupid.

I installed it in my user library too, OS 10.4.11, Intel, and it works. 
But when I installed it in my user library on a G4 Powerbook running 
10.3.9, it didn't work there. Since you have the same OS I have on my 
Intel, that leaves the G4 in common. It might be an incompatibility with 

One difference though is that TextEdit on my Powerbook does not dim PDF 
files, I can choose them. However, none of them will open and TextEdit 
throws an error about incompatible files.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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