Faking keypresses on Mac OS X

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at cogapp.com
Wed Feb 27 07:45:47 EST 2008

Does anyone know of a way to send a keypress into the system from Rev - 
natively or with extensions?

Obviously transcript includes a mechanism to move the user's mouse cursor; but 
I'm not aware of a similar mechanism to in effect type a key for them (or, for 
that matter, to click a mouse button for them).  Have I missed anything?

Assuming not, has anyone tried to do this, eg using an external, or using a 
helper app of some kind?

(Context: I'm using Rev to make a kiosk browser app; in some instances 
there'll be no keyboard, so I want my app to provide an on-screen keyboard 
instead.  There are plenty of third-party options for on-screen keyboards, but 
it would be much neater if I could build it in Rev so that it can be nicely 
integrated; but when the user clicks on "A", I need to send that keypress to 
the RevBrowser instance.)

TIA for any suggestions,

- Ben

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