The launch command

Ian Wood revlist at
Wed Feb 27 07:25:00 EST 2008

To expand on this a bit...

The Latitude and Longitude have to be in decimal form (you may have to  
experiment a bit with +- depending on where your figures are coming  
from), tDist is the viewing height in metres and tSpeed is an  
arbitrary number from 0.1 to 5, 5 being instant.


On 27 Feb 2008, at 08:59, Ian Wood wrote:

> Then use the following function:
> function ijwGELib_setView tLat tLong tDist tSpeed
>  if tSpeed is empty then put 0.5 into tSpeed
>  put text of fld "setView" of card "applescripts" of stack  
> "GoogleEarthLib" into tScript -- replace this with the location of  
> your field or customprop
>  replace "tLat" with tLat in tScript
>  replace "tLong" with tLong in tScript
>  replace "tDist" with tDist in tScript
>  replace "tSpeed" with tSpeed in tScript
>  do tScript as applescript
>  return the result
> end ijwGELib_setView

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