Archiving Eudora?

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION2 at
Thu Feb 14 01:56:59 EST 2008

Thanks, Alejandro,

I will check out your stack.

Perhaps I'll wait a month or so and check out Odysseus, if I can hold 
out. (Thanks Robert for that tip) Contrary to some others' 
experiences, my experience with Eudora Mac in 10.5.2 is pretty bad, 
with no spellchecking, random crashes, error messages on wake from 
sleep, adding attachments from a file dialog will sometimes crash 
hard. Eudora is getting more unreliable with each OS update. But I 
still love her, the old floozy.

And Ken - thanks for info on Fast MailBase -- it uses Valentina -- is 
it a Rev app too?


>Hi Stephen,
>Eudora uses the mbox format, Right?
>On September 2006, i posted this message to this mail list:
>stack Mailbox Offline reader


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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