Rép : Substack command don't reach main stack when executed as Standalone-"Corrected"
pierre.bernaert at mac.com
Wed Feb 13 13:29:12 EST 2008
Hi Eric and Marc
I tried to send a copy of my handlers but my mail is too big (22K
instead of 15K allowed.
I suppressed a few lines lines from the Handler in the Main Stack
The "Calling Handler of the Substack is :
--> all handlers
on MouseUp ==> In the
protected fld of the Substack
put "Modification de '" & the short name of me & "' " & "Saisie.
" into fld "Statut"
answer "MouseUp du champ Montant"
SaisieChamp The short name of me, the short name of this stack
end MouseUp
And the Handler in the Main Stack's script is :
on SaisieChamp NomChamp, NomStack
global GRéponseChoix
answer "Script Stack Compta" & return & "NomChamp = " & NomChamp
& return & "NomStack = " & NomStack ==> This doesn't work when
in standalone
get the CustomerProperties of fld NomChamp of Stack
put it into Masque
put word 3 of line 1 of Masque into NbEntiers
put Word 3 of line 2 of Masque into TheType
put Word 3 of line 3 of Masque into NbDécimales
put Word 3 of line 5 of masque into LngCsie
put Word 3 of Line 7 of Masque into AutorisationCsieLng
if theType = "A" then
CsieAlpha NomChamp, NomStack, LngCsie,
put the result into Valeur
end if
if Valeur is not "Abandon" then
put Valeur into fld NomChamp of Stack NomStack
put empty into fld "Statut" of Stack NomStack
end if
end SaisieChamp
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