Cols and rows in field

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Tue Feb 5 04:27:35 EST 2008

Hi Josep,

Replace empty columns with a space to give all of them a 'real' value.
Your PK should be the last column and the width of your field  
calculated to not show this last column.
To show an icon, you have two ways:
Or you build html on the fly using <img src="xxxx"> (set the htmlText  
of fld "Table" to tHtmlText) or you set the imageSource of the chars  
you want to 'xxxx' (put tText into fld "Table" then use a repeat loop  
to set the correct imageSource).
Short answer but hope this helps :-)

Le 5 févr. 08 à 10:12, Josep a écrit :

> Hi,
> Inmersed into revolution I have more questions...
> I'm using fields with TabStop to show tabular data from a database.  
> It's
> only a list of all the products that exist in the database, these  
> list have
> 3 cols.
> Code + Name + Price
> Frist problem, if the name have more o less length the col num 3 is  
> moved
> and break the cols. I need that all the cols have a fixed length  
> independent
> of her length, cutting letters if is necesary.
> Second problem, I select more cols from the database that I don't  
> show in
> the list, but I need if I like to update the product details later.  
> I need
> the primary key col but I don't want to show it.
> PK + Code + Name + LongDescription + Price + NewProduct
> 6 cols but only want show the 2on, 3th, 5th and 6th, but I need  
> accesible
> the 1st.
> And the 6th col must be translated to a minicon depending fo the  
> value. Like
> star if is a new product, a brown box if a updated product, etc..  
> the same
> for other fields in the database if are needed.
> The question is how is better organize this and how is better do  
> the change
> for the data for the html code to represent the graphical icons.
> Any code sample are wellcome.:working:
> uff... I hope my english will be clever :)
> Cheers,
> Josep

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.
Plugins and tutorials for Revolution:
Email: eric.chatonet at

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