Backup sort of thing?

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Tue Dec 30 14:01:55 EST 2008

William de Smet wrote:
> I made an App in which customers and clothes are stored (all on their own
> card).
> I wanted a way to backup the 'store' in TXT files but today I decided to
> backup the whole stack on closing the App.
> It is primarily needed as backup in case the 'store' gets corrupted.
> Any ideas are welcome!

Sounds like you have a good plan.  Backing up the stack file is probably 
all you need, given how extremely rare file corruption is with Rev.

In fact, in the event that corruption should occur, here's a tip:

When saving a stack file with the "save" command, the Rev engine 
automatically makes a temporary backup copy, with the same name of the 
stack file preceded with a tilde (e.g., "~MyStack.rev"), which it 
deletes after the new file has been written and check-summed.

So if the power cuts off or something else weird happens that results in 
an incomplete save, just look for the tilde file and you'll at least 
have everything you had since your last completed save.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
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