Looking for a couple of beta testers

Jim Sims sims at ezpzapps.com
Sun Dec 28 09:41:35 EST 2008

Looking for a couple of beta testers for a project
that uses a standalone which communicates with some Rev CGIs.

Just have an OS X version right now

Have a look at http://www.ezpzapps.net

[Windows version will happen once I get back to the other island where  
my PC is.
So, if the idea seems interesting to any PC users please also get in  

Hopefully we can Skype or iChat during a testing session so I can
optimize immediate feedback. Not a long term sort of thing, just
looking for a bit of feedback.

Please get in touch via email to sims at ezpzapps.com
or use one of the messaging apps listed below.


sims at ezpzapps.com
Skype:   sims.jim
iChat:   techietours
Opportunity by Design

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