Andre's post: Rev and the Web...

Brian Yennie briany at
Fri Dec 26 04:10:07 EST 2008


It sounds like what you need to start with are socket commands. Check  
out the accept, open socket, write to socket, read from socket  
commands. This should give you a place to start playing around with  
simple client / server communication. There are many gaming servers  
written in Java which use socket communication.


accept connections on port 9000 with message "gotConnection"

on gotConnection pSocket
  read from socket pSocket ...
  write "bla bla" to socket pSocket ...
end gotConnection


open socket to "my.ip.address:9000"
write someData to socket ...
read from socket ...

Once you figure out how to send some small text messages, you can  
start looking at the different options for the socket commands, and  
thinking about what your protocol might look like.

> Id like the simple answer.  In script i have to write ??  to send a  
> message to a project on a server.  What script would need to be on  
> the recieving end?  It is that simple.  No?

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