backscript and custom properties

Mark Smith lists at
Tue Dec 23 22:38:07 EST 2008

Jaques, apologies for replying to what I thought you wrote instead of  
what you actually wrote :)

I've just tried something similar to what you describe, and you're  
right! I never knew this - I guess this is because the property  
inspector is simply another stack that does it's stuff in it's own  
script rather than some behind-behand-the-scenes engine function. I  
think I'd agree that it's not necessarily desirable - I wonder if  
it's worth calling it a bug?



On 23 Dec 2008, at 23:18, Jacques Hausser wrote:

> Thank you Mark,
> I didn't speak about setprop (it's perfectly logic, even if not  
> compulsory, that a setprop would modify a property) , but about a  
> getprop, which, in this case, doesn't change the CP - I tried  
> that:  a CP consisting of a basic sentence in a first line, say  
> "xxxx is living in yyyy - right or false ?", a second line with a  
> list of species names sparated by comma and a third line with a  
> list of biotops separated by comma. The getprop takes randomly an  
> item in the second line to replace xxxx and an item in the third  
> line to replace yyyy. And when you look at the property in the  
> inspector you read at the first line something (different each  
> time) like
> "Microtus agrestis is living in marshy meadows - right or false ?".  
> That's exactly what I want when running the stack, but I would like  
> to see "xxxx is living in yyyy - right or false ?" in the inspector  
> - that is the real content of the CP (the "pure" CP ;o))
> My example is perfectly stupid, because it would be far simpler to  
> drop the getprop and to put it's statements into the function but  
> well, it's only an example, and it works... the button's back  
> script is:
> function DisplayQuestion
>    return the question of me
> end displayquestion
> getprop the question
>     put line 1 of the question of me into laquestion
>     put item (random(30)) of line 2 of the question of me into word  
> 1 of laquestion
>     put item (random(21)) of line 3 of the question of me into word  
> 5 of laquestion
>     return laquestion
> end the question
> and anywhere in the stack:
>     put DisplayQuestion() into fld "SuchAndSuch"
> I was just amazed to discover it was possible to use CPs and  
> getprop in a backscript... after all, the command is not "Insert  
> button "truc" into back" but "Insert the script of button "truc"  
> into back"...
> Jacques
> Le 23 déc. 2008 à 20:51, Mark Smith a écrit :
>> Jaques, you're right - the script can still refer to 'me'. I use  
>> buttons as libraries quite often, and the fact that a button's CPs  
>> are available can be very useful.
>> I don't tend to use getProp and setProp handlers in those 'button'  
>> libraries much - you'd still have to refer to the button's name or  
>> ID, and I generally just want a libraries commands and function  
>> available.
>> I'm not sure what you'd expect a setProp handler to do other than  
>> modify a property, so I don't think I understand what you mean by  
>> a 'pure' custom property...
>> Best,
>> Mark
>> On 23 Dec 2008, at 17:45, Jacques Hausser wrote:
>>> Hello everybody
>>> I just discovered accidentally that when a button's script is  
>>> inserted as a backscript, it doesn't go there alone, but takes  
>>> with it its custom properties, getprop and tutti quanti.
>>> That could be very useful... Has somebody some experience with  
>>> this feature ?
>>> (I discovered also that the inspector doesn't display the "pure"  
>>> custom property, but the property as modified by the getprop...  
>>> that is perhaps not so good).
>>> Happy Christmas (or any other solstice-linked celebration) to you.
>>> Jacques
>>> ******************************************
>>> Prof. Jacques Hausser
>>> Department of Ecology and Evolution
>>> Biophore / Sorge
>>> University of Lausanne
>>> CH 1015 Lausanne
>>> please use my private address:
>>> 6 route de Burtigny
>>> CH-1269 Bassins
>>> tel/fax: 	++ 41 22 366 19 40
>>> mobile:	++ 41 79 757 05 24
>>> E-Mail:	jacques.hausser at
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> ******************************************
> Prof. Jacques Hausser
> Department of Ecology and Evolution
> Biophore / Sorge
> University of Lausanne
> CH 1015 Lausanne
> please use my private address:
> 6 route de Burtigny
> CH-1269 Bassins
> tel/fax: 	++ 41 22 366 19 40
> mobile:	++ 41 79 757 05 24
> E-Mail:	jacques.hausser at
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