Flash + RevBrowser + Mac Problems

Brian Yennie briany at qldlearning.com
Sat Dec 20 02:31:48 EST 2008


Two quick thoughts:

1) Have you tried this outside of Rev on both platforms to see if it's  
a RevBrowser issue versus browser problem?

2) You might try playing with the "wmode" parameter for embedding your  
Flash in HTML. This can control whether Flash content gets its own  
window to render in, or draws directly into the browser. The basic  
values are "window", "opaque" or "transparent". Generally "window"  
gives the best performance because it creates its own window and  
doesn't have to meld itself in with the rest of the web page;  
however... if you are having focus issues it might be worth trying  
opaque. Maybe having Rev + RevBrowser + Flash all glued together in 3  
windows (I believe RevBrowser uses its own window) is causing some  
sort of window juggling issues.

3) The only other thing I can recommend is to simply look at how you  
might optimize the Flash project itself. Can you reduce the frame rate  
w/o hurting the user experience? Can you cut down the number of  
animations or size of graphics? Can you take advantage of any of the  
Bitmap methods in AS3 (apparently these really help in games)?

FWIW, I've heard Flash people groan over Mac performance in general,  
but at the same time my Mac seems to hold up pretty well against  
similar PCs for the stuff I do.


> Has anyone on the list done much work with interactive Flash movies  
> played
> within RevBrowser?
> I have some Flash content that displays clickable products and runs  
> great on
> Windows, but performance is terrible on OS X.  Clicks on the Flash  
> content
> are intermittently unresponsive, and it seems the only way to trigger
> interactivity at all is to move the mouse outside the stack, and  
> then back
> into the browser instance.  I not sure where to start to solve this  
> issue
> because the same content/stack works as expected on Windows.
> Thanks for any suggestions.
> Regards,
> Scott Rossi
> Creative Director
> Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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