AW: How to zip a folder?

Klaus Major klaus at
Mon Dec 15 08:09:43 EST 2008

Hi Tiemo,

> Digging hour after hour in the archives, the appropriate approach  
> seems to
> be using the shell, but I have found different threads, some using  
> zip, some
> tar and all using different parameters and don't know where to look  
> for
> these parameters.
> Does anybody has a snippet for a shell zip, which works for folders  
> with
> subfolders and common file names.

Please remember that ZIP is not built-in into Windows (shell) as far  
as I know!

Here is what I use on the Mac to un-/ZIP files and folders, copied  
from one of
current projects:

## ZIP Mac-folder
## zmo = Variable holding a valid path to a folder
put QUOTE & zmo & QUOTE into folder1
put QUOTE & zmo & ".zip" & QUOTE into folder2
get shell("ditto -c -k --rsrc" && folder1 && folder2)
## Preserving the Mac resource fork!

## ZIP a Windows folder
put QUOTE & zwo & QUOTE into folder3
put QUOTE & zwo & ".zip" & QUOTE into folder4
get shell("ditto -c -k --norsrc" && folder3 && folder4)
## NOT Preserving the resource fork!

## Mac:
put q(the ims_installer_ordner of this stack & "iDual IMS" )  
into d1
put q(mac_ordner) into d2
get shell("ditto -x -k --rsrc" && d1 && d2)

## Win:
put q(the ims_installer_ordner of this stack & "iDual IMS" )  
into d1
put q(win_ordner) into d2
get shell("ditto -x -k --norsrc" && d1 && d2)

Hope these snippets help.

> Or a hint, where I can research the parameters for the shell zip on  
> Mac?

Check "DITTO", enter this into the terminal:
man ditto

> As well I didn't found any snippet for unzipping the stuff with the  
> shell.
> Does anybody knows. If a Zip on Win, made with WinZip is
> compatible with a Rev-Shell unzip on Mac, or do I have to zip it on  
> Mac?

Sorry, no idea.

> Thanks
> Tiemo


Klaus Major
klaus at

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