katir at hindu.org
Sun Dec 14 21:38:36 EST 2008
Our Hinduism Today Digital Edition/PDF manager uses
this is resolving to the same folder as SF#28
also currently known as
File system directory that serves as a common repository for
documents. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\My
Documents. This is different from the My Documents virtual folder in the
name space. To access that virtual folder, use the technique described
in Managing the File System.
as distinct from:
Virtual folder that contains the objects in the user's My Documents
The app Andre built is able to write files to
C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\Hinduism Today Digital
but the following handler will not boot the PDF as expected, on this
man's machine
(see below)
Now.. FYI: when people upgraded to Vista, we held our breath and nearly
burst until we got the good news that the following code was working
just fine on Vista! Hurray.. that could have been a major downer..
So, I'm loath to mess with this too much in case we break it, just to
solve one user's problem... but maybe some can spot the reason why the
boot the pdf into acrobat will not work. when he navigates to the files
in the file system and double clicks on the PDF's they boot in to
Acrobat just fine.. so the doc/app binding is apparently OK in the registry.
Any insights?
on bootAcrobat pLinkText
get getFileForURL(pLinkText)
launchdocument it
log "VP", it
end bootAcrobat
on launchdocument pWhich
--handler that launch the PDFs. By Dan Shafer. Modified by AAG.
if there is not a file pWhich then
-- no file, load magazine..
set the itemdel to "/"
get item -1 of pWhich
set the itemdel to "_"
get item 2 of it
set the itemdel to "-"
put item 1 of it into tYear
put item 2 of it into tMonth
put tMonth & "-" & (tMonth + 2) into tMonth
if char 1 of tMonth is "0" then delete char 1 of tMonth
put format("/issues/year_%s/issue_%s", tYear, tMonth) into tTemp
loadEdition tTemp
exit launchdocument
end if
if there is not a file pWhich then exit launchdocument
if word 1 of the systemversion is "NT" then put "true" into tNT
else put "false" into tNT
switch the platform
case "Win32"
put shortfilepath(pWhich) into pWhich -- AAG: Don't we all
hate windows!? (long folder name bug)
put "start" && pWhich into openCmd
put shell (openCmd) into shellResult
if (shellResult is not empty) or (the result is not empty) then
log "EP", the result && shellResult
answer error "You appear not to have Adobe Acrobat
Reader installed. Go to www.adobe.com and download this free program,
then try loading this SmartEBook(tm) again!" with "OK"
exit launchDocument
end if
case "MacOS"
set the itemdelimiter to "."
if item 1 of the systemVersion>= 10 then
replace " " with "\ " in pWhich
put "open" && pWhich into shellCmd
get shell (shellCmd)
else -- It's OS 9
if "appleScript" is not in the alternatelanguages then
log "EP", "no applescript support"
answer error "You must have AppleScript installed to
use this file with Mac Classic. Contact Shafer Media for further
exit launchdocument
put "tell application" && quote & "Finder" & quote &
return into asCmd
put "activate" & return after asCmd
put "set myPath to container of (path to me)" &
return after asCmd
put "open file" && quote & pWhich& quote && "in
myPath" & return after asCmd
put "end Tell" & return after asCmd
--answer asCmd
do asCmd as appleScript
if the result is not empty then
log "EP", the result
answer error "An error of unknown origin has
occurred. Contact Shafer Media for further assistance."
exit launchdocument
end if
end if
end if
end launchdocument
on revSetWindowsShellCommand
if the platform is not "Win32" then exit revSetWindowsShellCommand
set the hideconsolewindows to true
if $COMSPEC is not empty then set the shellcommand to $COMSPEC
--just in case some windows versions don't use $COMSPEC
if revRunningWindowsNT() then set the shellcommand to "cmd.exe"
else set the shellcommand to "command.com"
end if
end revSetWindowsShellCommand
function getFileForURL pURL
-- abstract function that will return the local cache file reference
of a given URL.
if the platform is "MacOS" then
return macgetFileForURL(pURL)
else if the platform is "Win32" then
return Win32getFileForURL(pURL)
end if
end getFileForURL
function macgetFileForURL pURL
-- function that receives an URL and returns the local cache file
for that URL, platform specific.
put "~" & specialfolderpath("asup") into tFolder -- Application
Support Folder inside Users Home.
set the itemdel to "/"
put tFolder & "/Hinduism Today Digital Edition/" & item 5 to -1 of
pURL into tAbsoluteFileLocation -- Absolute folder location.
return tAbsoluteFileLocation
end macgetFileForURL
function Win32getFileForURL pURL
-- function that receives an URL and returns the local cache file
for that URL, platform specific.
put specialfolderpath("Documents") into tFolder -- Documents folder
for windows users.
set the itemdel to "/"
put tFolder & "/Hinduism Today Digital Edition/" & item 5 to -1 of
pURL into tAbsoluteFileLocation -- Absolute folder location.
return tAbsoluteFileLocation
end Win32getFileForURL
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Broken links in latest edition
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 19:21:54 -0600
From: Paul Harouff <pharouff at gmail.com>
To: 'Sivakatirswami' <katir at hindu.org>
References: <20081213195536.843B18807D at sat.gurudeva.org>
<494449AA.9010408 at hindu.org>
Try changing the registry to make your personal folder "D:\My Documents\"
instead of "C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\"
I don't know why this would break opening the files but not break
downloading the files.
-----Original Message-----
From: Sivakatirswami [mailto:katir at hindu.org]
Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2008 5:48 PM
To: pharouff at gmail.com; Andre Garzia
Subject: Re: Broken links in latest edition
pharouff at gmail.com wrote:
> First Name: Paul
> Last Name: Harouff
> Month of Birth: February
> I downloaded the Jan 09 edition today and the links to the pdf files are
> Your program downloads the pdf files to "\My Documents\Hinduism Today
Digital Edition\2009\1-3\pdf\" but the links from the program are truncating
the path to "\My Documents\Hinduism".
Namaskar Paul:
We have tested on several Mac machines here and also we are getting
incoming "kudos" from Windows/PC users who are saying that they love the
latest issue. This would indicate that the problem is specific to your
machine or system, since other PC users running NT 5.1 are not having
the same problem.
How we might solve that I don't know. I have queried our main developer
for this software, but I'm not sure how we could solve this without
directly being able to monitor your PC in action. We do have diagnostic
tools, that only send us a report with no personal information. But
typically users, especially PC users. are very averse to letting a 3rd
party run diagnostics on their system. This paranoia is a bit
unwarranted because in the PC world, all kinds of programs are sending
info back to "the mother ship," but if someone like us actually requests
permission, then they get concerned...
At any rate, I will leave this up to you. We would like very much to
trouble shoot this and find out exactly what is happening, but if you
prefer to leave it as is and just access the PDF's directly, that's
fine. At least our program is doing the main job: downloading the PDF's
and keeping them in a "rational" library... for you..
Om shanti
> I can go directly to the download folder and open the pdfs without the
> Date: 12/13/08
> Home:
> Platform: Win32
> Machine: x86
> System: NT 5.1
> Environment: standalone application
> Version: 2.8.1
> Screen Bit Depth: 32
> Colors: 4294967296
> Screen Rect: 0,0,1280,800
> Quicktime: 7.1.0
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