Standalone Maker - delete settings and start fresh?

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat Dec 13 13:31:08 EST 2008

Mark Swindell wrote:
> I've got a stack I'm trying to build into a standalone, but it appears 
> the standalone maker has got stuck somehow. There is a file locked into 
> the "stacks" pane  that doesn't belong there.  How can I start over with 
> a completely fresh set of preferences for a particular standalone build? 

In the View menu (or in Preferences) turn on "Revolution UI elements in 
lists." Open the inspector for your mainstack, and look at the custom 
properties pane.

In the bottom popup, choose the "cRevStandaloneSettings" property set 
and delete it. Save your stack.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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