Looking for ugly code comparisons

François Chaplais francois.chaplais at mines-paristech.fr
Sat Dec 13 05:46:20 EST 2008

Envoyé de mon iPhone

Le 13 déc. 08 à 04:41, "Bill Marriott" wrote
> Now, which of these do you think is better than Revolution for  
> teaching
> programming to young children? The Klingon one?

This is obviously not a question.
I simply think that the very notion of programmg language is too  
narrow to fit the abilities of a young child. Fortunately enough, S.  
Jobs et al have shown that "programming" is not restricted to a Turing  
machine operating on a stream of ASCII characters.
As an example, my kids have very much enjoyed a "game" called the  
wonderful inventions of Pr Tim, where you assamble various "machine  
parts", some with physical counterparts and others being more  
abstract. This is programming in 2D, and higher dimensions would be  
certainly stimulating.
sent from my iPhone

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